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    Burbank Women's Golf Club

We are a fun eclectic group of dynamic women who love the game of golf!

Click Here to Go the BWGC Website

Why you should consider joining the Burbank Women’s Golf Club

  • By joining our club, you will immediately be part of a group of diverse women who love to go
  • Whether you are a retired gal or a working gal, we have both weekend and weekday play days with early tee time
  • You can play golf more often since our home course is one of the least expensive in the Los Angeles area
  • You will be able to establish your USGA handicap
  • You do not have to be a champion golfer to join. Member handicaps range from 9 to 40
  • You can join us for a round of golf every week, once a month or every so often
  • You will be able to participate in weekly tournaments as well as our annual major tournaments
  • You will be able to participate in additional golf events throughout the year with Womens Public Links Golf Association and Los Angeles County Womens Golf Association
  • You will have opportunity for competitive team play
  • You can choose between full membership or social membership

Contact Us

  1. Full Name(*)
    Please let us know your name.
  2. Email Address(*)
    Please let us know your email address.
  3. Phone Number(*)
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  4. Specific Info or Remarks
    Please let us know your message.



Ready to Reserve your Tee Time?
